Do you know your Adsense Account is in danger, yeah this is not an April fool prank or anything like a joke, this is as true as you are breathing from some past days many bloggers experiencing heavy invalid activity in their Adsense account.
You may have also experienced that number of clicks are much more than as comparison of the Estimated Earnings, especially from some countries like United states clicks are coming fluently but no money, CPC from such countries lies somewhere between $0.01 – $0.04 which is too less and this Cost per Click clearly saying that these clicks you are getting on your Ads are not Genuine for sure.
Many Bloggers and Webmasters have lost their Adsense Ads in some past days because of this invalid activity or some other reasons.
Zac Johnson lost his 10 years old adsense acccount. Read his story
Just few days ago, Theodore had been slapped by adsense. Read his story
and also because of their unawareness, so this is highly recommended that you won’t make such mistakes and keep your Adsense Account safe and secure.
How to know the Country from where invalid clicks are coming from ?
Many of you may already know about this but some don’t, so let me explain how to know from which country your Adsense Ads are getting unusually clicked, to find this out just follow these steps…
1. Log in to your Adsense Account.
2. Click on Overview this month.
3. Select the Today date from the upper right corner.
4. Now click on Countries from Left sidebar.
5. Now carefully checkout the no. of clicks in front of each Country name.
If you detect any country from where clicks have been done but CPC from there are very low then it simply means that your Adsense Ads are in danger.
How to Protect Your Adsense Account?
See if you are getting unusual clicks on your Ads, then first of all you try to detect the IP(s) of clicker and if you successfully detect those IP’s then just block them to showing Ads so that they won’t see your Ads and this way they cannot click on your Ads.
If you’re unable to fetch the IP address from where clicks are being performed then you most recommended way to keep your Adsense account safe is that, you must stop showing ads on your site for at least sometime, because if you stop publishing ads on your sites for some time/days it may cause loss of some Dollars to you but if you cannot prevent it then you may loss your Adsense for forever, which sounds so bitter to any blogger.