Famous Flappy Bird game developer is back game Ninja Spinki Challenges
There is no doubt that you will remember the resounding success of the game "Flappy Bird" and famous that exceeded all expectations despite the severe simplicity, which then tried developer "Dong Nguyen" exploiting this success to launch the game again is "Swing Copters" and that have not had the same success, but the developer is back! This time a new toy seems that it would glory Flappy Bird.
The new game bearing the name "Ninja Spinki Challenges" which are free and available on Android and iOS and the Dong Nguyen developed in partnership with the Japanese company "Obokaidem", and the main character in this game is "Spinki" which bypasses obstacles throughout his career.
The game is free Ninja Spinki Challenges takes place on six stages, and be easy at first, but the difficulty increases with the successive phases of the game.
Ninja Spinki Challenges on Android
Ninja Spinki Challenges on iOS