5 sites be helpful in solving the problem of not running some software on Windows (Dll, OCX, VPK)

Of the most common mistakes in the Windows operating system is a mistake not to the presence of the DLL file appears. In the system, so when you run a program or application, but electronic and game as well, where the most famous of these errors message appears (on the Msvcr71.dll missing) or (D3dx9_41.dll is missing) or (OPENAL32.DLL missing) ...

That is why the user Windows operating system is often suspect that the problem is a problem in the program and not the system. It is enough to solve these problems download the missing file that appears in the error message (see picture) specialized in providing system DLL files sites, it has been copied to the following path in Windows by going to the disk: C were to Windows windows folder been searching for System32 folder and file .

In this post I will give you the best sites that I use to load the DLL files are missing and resolve many of the problems of the system.

Site: Dll-files.com

Of known sites of repair of computers and operating systems professionals, it gives you most of the system files that you may need when going to the Windows operating system, simply enter the site and write the missing View full name then click on Search where you will find the file you're looking for in the search results where you can click on it and upload it by clicking on the word Download Zip-file. The site also gives you the ability to search for missing system files across Trutbatha alphabet, in the case of any problems with the search for the file name in the site.

Site: DLLme

Another site not differ much from the previous site, but the ease of keeping its domain name, the site also gives you the ability to search for dll missing from the computer file name through his writing in the search, which you'll find the far right of the page box, characteristic Search DLLme site that provides you with Dvanced Dll Search feature a feature that enables you to search for the missing files in the system more accurately by adding more information about the missing file or tag words for him to assume the role of the site to find the file you're looking for
Site You can also search for files and OCX VPK missing.

Characteristic of the site that is available on a huge database and other files needed by the system is such inf files Dll Ocx as well, where you can download more from the site of the system files that you may need when you run a program or game and base. You can write the missing file name in and upload your files are simply missing the top right search box.

Site: Files DLL

This site is available on more than 15 million files might need windows, a huge number Dahr the strength of the site, and that this amount of files is uncluttered well as the order of the numbers or letters, which display my on the home page of the site which facilitates the search process on the novice., In addition to that you can search for any file minus the search box, drawing on the top left of the site.

Site: TopDLL

Site exists in several versions other than English, including French, where he has been easy for you to browse the site if you are not proficient in English, the site of TopDll no different from the locations that I mentioned earlier, but it provides more accurate information on the file to upload, just note you may be asked Site Search for errors in the Windows operating system, simply ignoring the message and continue browsing the site.

The sites I mentioned in this post from the job site employed by the technician any in the repair of computers, but I advise you to put this entry in the favorites because it inevitably will fall into trouble request Dll file, ocx, vpk, info, because when you install the Windows operating system is It does not copy all system files and content with just the necessities! , In order not to flood the hard drive files may not need, that's why you may need one system files in the future.
No problem in dealing with sites or copying files, I'm in the service.