A young man kills his lover after he broke his 4 tablets of video games

When we talk about talented video games we are talking about two kinds of people, people who can adapt to anything you could do with their toys own, and others can not afford to do that, and that's what happened with Michael Castro and is a young man at the age of 25 years, where he this young man of murdering his lover very brutal manner after the girlfriend broke 4 tablets of my favorite video games to display.

Michael Castro was known for his obsession with toys own platform Xbox Video, and the intensity of his love for games has its own video, it could not bear the fact that his lover called Nathalia may have broken four discs of special toys, and the intensity of his anger and to take revenge of them have made Michael Castro the murder of his lover by opening her stomach and intestines uprooting her stomach, and the police had arrested Michael Castro after they raided his home directly with the knowledge that Michael is the person who called the police himself and admitted that he killed her because she broke video game discs has a favorite.